Busy month... but what's new, right? I'm off to teach in Toronto this week, and I'm really looking forward to getting into a classroom again. It's been 3 years since we did any kind of event, and as I'm winding down for retirement, the opportunities to do so will be more limited in future.

But I'm still working away, never fear! I just put the finishing touches on a piece based on the artwork of Shelley McVittie, so that s/b released in July/2022, and I'm working on a Christmas stocking I hope to have ready for September... it's a companion piece to GOLFING SANTA, which is, of course, MRS GOLFING SANTA!

Not a lot else going on at the moment, as the big push was on to get my book out to the Beta readers - and that went this week, so happy dances here! Talk to you next month...



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